This depends on what hitch you have. With so many hitches on the market it is impossible to say which will fit your trailer. Trailer manufacturers can to some degree fit any hitch they like to their trailers. To find the correct hitch lock for your hitch, the hitchlock fitting guide will help you to identify which lock you need. For clarification, please send us a photo of your hitch to and we will advise.
The way the hitch fixes to the trailer draw bar also may have an impact fitting a hitch lock. Where the hitch is fixed on top of the box section on unbraked trailers, sometimes some hitchlocks do not allow for that additional height and won’t fit. Similarly with a wide A-frame draw bar, some hitches won’t work if they do not allow for the width.
Generally trailer manufacturers will keep a consistancy in what hitches they fit. One example is for Ifor Williams larger trailers where the Knott Avonride hitch is most common. This will 99/100 times fit the Fortress A Hitch lock. Older trailers may not be consistent and we recommend checking the guide before buying. Hitches are removable and may have been changed, therefore we cannot tell what hitch you have by the trailer model.
Check for any text on the hitch, especially as Alko Hitches have the model number imprinted on them. This is very important to check if you have either the AK301 or AK351 hitchas they look almost identical but fit different hitch locks.