Wheelclamp Finder Guide
Welcome to the SAS wheelclamp finder guide for finding the correct wheelclamp for your trailer/caravan. The wheel dimensions to take are labelled A – D and are laid out along the top of the table with the wheelclamps listed down the left hand side of the table. This wheelclamp finder tries to cover all wheel sizes but due to there being so many variations it is almost impossible to do. The measurements marked as critical are the most important. The other measurements are a guide as the size of your rims won’t give much of an indication as to how big the tyre is.
If you are still not sure which wheelclamp will suit your wheel, or want confirmation of what wheelclamp will be best for your wheel, please send us some pictures of your wheels together with your tyre sizes on What’s App 01444 675889 and we will advise further. Please note, wheels with inset rims may require the wheelclamp extension tube as an additional accessory to completely cover the wheel nut.
Please click the link for wheelclamps to see the full range.